Adam Gilbertson Study Abroad

lunes, 19 de mayo de 2008

2 weeks left... wow

Hey everyone,

A lot of cool stuff has happened lately. I leave two weeks from today so everything is flying by. I just finished a research paper and now I just have to study for my finals.

Two weeks ago was the day of Europe and to celebrate the day the city hall invited the exchange students to give speeches infront of everyone.

My friend Flo from France was asked to speak on behalf of the private university and she rocked. She talked a lot about us, her friends, and just life in Pamplona. The mayor then gave a speech and so did the Governor of Navarra, the state we live in. It was pretty formal but we weren´t dressed for it. Kath and I went and we didn´t even know if we were invited lol.

There were tv crews and we ended up being on the news. After they had some delicous pinchos and drinks. We all ordered cali mocho, red wine and coke. It was so funny, red wine and coke at a government function lol. I guess we were in the newspaper though, I wouldn´t know. Spanish news can be a little boring. Its usually just basque protests and ETA bombings...

We have been just hanging out on the weekends with eachother. I went for a long walk yesterday all thru town and learned a cool thing about Pamplona. Since everyone here lives in apartments they can´t have a lawn or a garden but they have something else. In the valley below the city there are tons of little plots with fences around them. I guess you lease a lot that´s maybe 25 ft by 25 ft and you can plant a garden or just hang out in this little lawn. They are all next to eachother and I saw tons of families working out in these little gardens and collecting the produce.

Last night there was a soccer game and Pamplona lost the game, but if they almost had to go into a lower leage in soccer. What this means is that the old town was nuts. We went out for pinchos and there were so many wasted soccer fans screaming and dancing in the streets. I love going out for Pinchos and we got some duck liver last night which was really cool. The old town was packed with people and you have to almost fight your way to the counter to order some of the little pincho snacks.

I think I will make some videos of stuff here so everyone can actually see what it is like.

I also went to the mall on Saturday and bought some new stuff. While in there I was kindly reminded of how quiet these people in Navarra are. If you bump into someone they don´t even reply. They just continue on their way like nothing happeend. It was really weird and I found myself saying excuse me and so on, when it wasnt necesary. It was a culture thing I still am not used to.

The land lord we have is nuts. He was showing people our apartment the other day and was saying we need to clean it and that we should turn off the lights. I think he is crazy and he swears all the time. Oh Florencio. If he were a landlord in the US he would be sued by someone in 6 seconds. We are foreign so we hope he doesn´t try to keep our deposit.

The weather has been terrible lately. It rains everyday and then the sun sometimes peaks out. It is annoying because we would like to go to the beach before we all leave.

Everything is coming together now and we all know we are going to be gone soon and it is a weird feeling. We all leave in two weeks and its going to be rough. This is the last week of class and then exams. Every group of friends has its fights and now that we know we are all leaving we are just enjoying eachother. I will give a blog about my friends later this week showing explaining all about them.

I am done teaching English now so no more 15 euros a week. I actually loved teaching English and the I will miss Sara and going to their cool house every week. I have been spending a lot of money lately and I dont know how. I stopped caring I think and our exhange rate is so bad. I wonder what this year would have been like if our economy wasn´t so terrible.

Marie from France and I showing the coffee they consume...


This is my classroom. Note the massive cross on the wall.


Tonito and Marie had some French friends over.


Europes day, us americans were there... This is Tonito getting interviewed.


Flo giving an awesome speech in Spanish to all of us and the governor.


The mayor of Pamplona, she was really nice.


This is the plaza, the heart of the city. We go here all the time.


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