Adam Gilbertson Study Abroad

jueves, 13 de marzo de 2008

Weekend trip!

Hey everyone,

I donĀ“t have much time to talk but its almost 10 pm and we have a bus to catch to Valencia for las fallas. It is a huge fesitval in this warm town on the mediteranean. It is going to be around 80 degrees and awesome. This town is where paella was invented and this weekend is going to be a blast. The bus will take like 7 hrs and then we will have the whole weekend there.

Next week I will be hiking with my friend Dylan from Virginia in Galicia which is the greener part of Spain and is supposed to be the prettiest part. We will be gone all week and hike around 65 miles. It is going to be awesome. Then after that I will meet up with my dad in Paris. I am so fortunate to get this experience and we have the next two weeks off of school to travel. I will write a blog next monday but then I will be out for a while. Take care enjoy the easter week.

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