Adam Gilbertson Study Abroad

martes, 23 de octubre de 2007

Portugese food, Movies, DJs,

I had a really nice weekend here in Pamplona. It is nice to travel but being home is great aswell.

This friday my Friend Caetano from Portugal had a gig as a DJ at this club-bar near where all of us live. All of the international students are friends so we all planned on supporting him last friday.

He lives with Carlota who is also from Portugal and she had about 15 of us over to their apartment before his big night to eat dinner and hang out. They have a really nice apartment and are both law students that are here for a semester.

They made us some homeade pinchos, and then we had a really cool dish which i can´t spell nor pronounce. It was a typical dish that the Portugese have at holidays. It consisted of tons of eggs and veggies mixed with cod all cooked on the stove. It was really really good and I am glad I got to eat some traditional food of Portugal.

We had dessert which was apple crip which was so good cause Spaniards don´t eat these delicous foods so I therefore love the Portugese. Emanuel brought some Flan and it was just a really good meal with new foods.

I met a few new people and it was interesting. One girl, Crystal is from Venezuela and she had loads of interesting stuff to say about her government and I love learning about these sorts of things. There were people from Portugal, Hong Kong, USA, Germany, Venezuela, and Finland so it was a rather mixed crowd as usual.

We all then caught the bus and rode for a half hour to the place where Caetano was DJing. It was standard music I guess, but I don´t know a thing about Djing. We left then and went to some club where there was a med student party. I however, and some of my friends didn´t get in so I walked home. This was unfortunate for some, but I prefer to save my money instead of dancing around to techno music and breathing in tar.

Saturday I woke up early for once and ate some toast and just relaxed. I tried to watch some Spanish shows but it gets really boring and you can´t day dream cause I end up getting lost. Some of my friends were gone so I didn´t accomplish much but that night was the Rugby World cup so all these people where psyched.

We ended up going to some portugese guy´s house and watched it on a 13 inch television. I haven´t ever watched rugby so I asked tons of questions.

Most rugby fans make fun of football cause of all the pads and different rules so they asked me all these questions. I would have to say that rugby is much more physical and like war than football is. It isn´t harder or easier but just different. Football is much faster and more explosive. The rugby playes must be really dumb because of their sport, but they don´t get hit like football players do. I haven´t played rugby and they haven´t played football so I don´t think anyone can judge then so permaturely.

I then went to Emanuels house and we hung out. He is on the bball team for the college, but they are terrible and sports aren´t competitive like in our schools. THere will be a track team in the spring and I should join to get more Spanish experience.

Sunday I went to a movie with Fernanda who is from Bolivia. We watched Promesas del Este which was an american movie but I understood it all in Spanish so I was proud. We had to eat at mcd´s afterward though cause she can´t cook and like many of the South American people here has had the luxury of having a maid and mother do everything for them. She is really nice and we had a birthday party for her last night.

I had a test today but it was really easy except for the fill in the blank parts. I hate those cause you have to think of what someone else is thinking. A lot of people struggled with it thoguh cause most of my classmates are newbies to Español. This weekend we think we are gonna travel to Salamanca which is west of here. Halloween is next week so I better find a costume but they dont have thrift shops so creativity is a must.

Have a nice tuesday. ...I just learned that in Spanish they don´t capitalize the days of the week.

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